SCI Journal List on Environment and Energy Fields

提供: 高偉俊研究室
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動


1. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science-An International Review Journal
2. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
3. Journal of Power Sources
4. Applied Energy
5. Energy- The International Journal
6. Renewable Energy-An International Journa
7. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
8. Energy Conversion and Management-An International Journal
9. Computational Geometry-Theory and Applications
10. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics
11. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory
12. Electric Power Systems Research
13.Energy for Sustainable Development (Impact Factor:2020: 5.223)(OA USD 2750 Subscription USD 0)
14.Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments(Impact Factor 2019:5.353)(OA $2,500 Subscription USD 0)
15.Case Studies in Thermal Engineering(Impact Factor 2020, 4.724)(OA USD 820

John Wiley & Sons

1.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Impact factor:2.866(2021)
2.International Journal of Energy Research Impact factor:3.741(2021)
3. Wind Energy: Impact factor-1.682

ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)

1. Journal of Energy Resources Technology
2. Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering
3. Journal of Fluids Engineering
4. Journal of Mechanical Design


1. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering: Impact factor-2.76
2. Computational Optimization and Applications: Impact factor-1.274
3. Journal of Scientific Computing: Impact factor-1.238
4. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics: Impact factor-1.127
5. Computing: Impact factor-0.959
6. Environment, Development and Sustainability: Impact factor-0.908
7. Discrete & Computational Geometry: Impact factor-0.824
8. Engineering with Computers: Impact factor-0.625
9. Energy Systems(CiteScore2020年 4.2)
10 Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering(2019 Impact Factor: 4.053)
11 Environmental Science and Pollution Research(2019 Impact factor 3.056)
12 Energy Efficiency (Impact factor1.810 (2019))(£1890.00/$2780.00/€2190.00)

Taylor & Francis

1. International Journal of Green Energy: Impact factor-0.733
2. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics: Impact factor-0.704
3. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects
4. International Journal of Ambient Energy
5. International Journal of Sustainable Energy
6. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability(Science Citation Index Expanded)

SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)

1. Journal on Scientific Computing: Impact factor-0.733

ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)

1. Journal of Energy Engineering: Impact factor-0.64

Scientific Research Publishing

1.Journal of Energy and Power Engineering(not SCI)

AIP Publishing

1.Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy(Impact Factor 2.219)(3500 USD)


1.FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (2021 Impact Factor 4.581)(2490 USD)
2.Frontiers in Energy Research (2021 Impact Factor 4.008)(2490 USD)


THERMAL SCIENCE International Scientific Journal(Science Citation Index Expanded) (three month)