== 建築・都市エネルギー論 /Theories of City and Building Energy Systems ==
/Instructor 高 偉俊 / Weijun GAO / 建築デザイン学科
In this lecture, you will develop an understanding – and a real working knowledge – of our energy technologies, policies
and options. This will include analysis of the different opportunities and impacts of energy systems that exist within and
between buildings and citiesgroups. Analysis of the range of current and future energy choices will be stressed, as well as the role of energy in determining local environmental conditions and the global climate
1 概説
2 エネルギー:主な問題と挑戦
3 エネルギーと水
4 エネルギーと健康
5 エネルギーと生物の多様性
6 エネルギーと農業
7 エネルギー効率
8 再生エネルギー
9 先進的な化石燃料技術
10 エネルギーと交通
11 エネルギーへのアクセス
12 エネルギーへの挑戦
13 現代エネルギーサービス
14 エネルギー行動のフレームワーク
15 エネルギーの将来像
1 Outline
2 Energy:Key Isuues and Challenges
3 Energy and Water
4 Energy and Health
5 Energy and Biodiversity
6 Energy and Agriculture
7 Energy Efficiency
8 Renewable Energy
9 Advanced Fossil Fuel Technologies
10 Energy and Transport
11 Eneryg Accessibility
12 Addressing the Challenges in Energy
13 Modern Energy Services
14 Frameworks of Energy for Action
15 Future of Energy