学生名:ソン ショウテキ
論文概要:In order to increase the awareness of environmental pollution in recent yearsand respond to the needs of living environment quality, the ministry ofEnvironment of Japan comprehensively promotes environmental landscapeactivities that emphasize human senses such as hearing, taste, smell and vision.Because vision dominates the experience process and is the main medium forinteraction between people and the environment, many designers only payattention to the feeling of visual space, ignoring the stimulation of other senses to the experiencer.
In this context, this study combined with the smellscapes, by analyzing thebasic characteristics of spatial perception and smell, taking Kitakyushu as aspatial sample, to explore the impact of smell on spatial perception. According to the actual needs of theory and reality, the basic investigation of public space smellenvironment is carried out from the aspect of smell type and concentration. The purpose is to carry out experimental research from " subjective evaluation" and "objective experimental data ", to find the impact of spatial perception under the influence of smell and to clarify the impact of smell environment on material perception, emotional perception and time perception.
This study takes smell as the research object and three public spaces in Kitakyushu as the survey object. Using the current situation survey and perception impact evaluation experiment to correlate the relationship between
smell and spatial perception, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The neglected sense of smell is necessary for perceiving space. 2. The ideal smell environment is obviously different from the actual situation. 3. Different types and concentrations of smell will affect the perception of spatial scale, mood and time. 4. Realize the improvement of the smell environment, which can improve material perception from the perspective of spatial scale. Improve emotional perception from the perspective of space regionality and fun. Improve time perception from a temporal perspective.