2010年度 日本建築学会設計競技
Fan Liyang, Nakashima Mitsuhiko, Konishi Yui, Hamada Yuki, Liu Jianan
都会人は、機械設備によって快適に整えられた環境に暮らしながら、常にストレスを抱えている。この皮肉な現状は、均質化された機械的な空間の圧迫感、自然や人とのつながりの欠如に起因する。 近年、世界各地の都市部では建造物の高層化が進んでおり、経済発展や近代化のシンボルとしてその高さを競うといった社会的風潮まである。また、その反面、高層建築における居住者やオフィスワーカーへの心理的悪影響といったマイナスイメージが話題となっている。 今一度、高層に対する建築のあり方を見直すべきなのではないだろうか?
風や雨音を感じて目を覚まし、 足元に草花の芽を見つける。 時々に変わる日陰を探し、 鳥の声を聞きながら本を読む。
The dweller in the city is always holding a stress though comfortably live in a controlled environment by the machines and equipments. This sarcastic current state is due to the feeling of pressure in the homogenized mechanical space, and the lack of the connection between people and the nature. Recent years, more and more multistory buildings have been increased in a city part all over the world. There is a social trend that the height competes as a symbol of economic development and modernization. On the other hand, it is said that people have a psychological adverse effect in the high rise building. Should we review the way of construction ideal to multistory once now?
We review composition of buildings in which the inner space and the nature are excessively separated. The wall is removed as taking off one clothes, the life overflows the minimum private space into the open space that became a part of external world. And people lived in this building can perceive the wind very natural in daily life, raise greens, and touch alive the one.
You wake up feeling the wind and the sound of the rain.
You find the flowering plant bud to your underfoot.
You look for the shading changes sometimes.
You read a book hearing the song of birds.
We propose the construction that people and the nature overlap each other in the city.